The Versatility Of White Tulips
January 14, 2022Flower Friday all about the goodness of hothouse grocery store tulips that you will see popping up everywhere. As if a New Years gift to us all! White always catch my eye as I like the flexibility of them working in lots of different spaces. These worked on the dining table, out on the back porch by the fireplace with guests and in the front room on the coffee table while we would read the afternoon away. They have been a well-traveled vase of happiness. A few simple bunches bought at our local Price Chopper that were simply plunked down into a glass vessel. Then I just let them do their dance for us this week. Fab entertainment as they would catch my eye as I walked from room to room. Happy almost weekend everyone! We are due some mighty cold weather in these parts. Around -6! Hope you all are staying safe & sound. XX, T2+B