Official Pub Day Is Here!
August 23, 2022
Today is the day! I have been running around getting things ready for the party this eve. I just stopped and thought, “I forgot to write my blog post!” So many people to thank and I want to do it properly with time, which is in short supply at the moment. So please know a much better post is coming your way in the coming days. But for now I am reveling in hydrangea that were a fabulous gift this morning and the Veuve bike that was delivered from them yesterday and what green pens to write with tonight and what I am going to wear. I am filled with so much gratitude and thanks and love to so many for the many opportunities I have been given. Please know, I never take a moment of it for granted.
Tickets for the book signing party tonight from 5 to 7 at our First & Spring shop are available for purchase for $45 at the door. A shout-out to my book tour sponsors—Louis Sherry, Le Jacquard Francais, Jacobsen Salt Co. and Fran’s Chocolates. Oh what fun this will all be! XX, Ted