And So It Begins
November 1, 2022
When to start putting out holiday goods for an independent retailer can often be a bit of a quandary. My goal has always been to have the bulk of things out by November 1st, and then keep on adding in the coming weeks. As in life, that makes some very happy and others not. Some arrive and say it is early and others say it is late. I prefer to think it is right on the nose. Luckily, the bulk of our customers feel the same way. Given supply chain issues of the last few years, it allows us shopkeepers to get out what we have received and then to keep on adding as things arrive, often a bit late or delayed. I thought a few cool ornaments would break the ice a bit, so that is the image I went with for this post. We are off and running!
Please do keep me in mind for your business gifts as well as your personal shopping. Each year we do more and more corporate gifting. It is a lovely way to make the gift more personal, even if it is for a large number of recipients. I am always here to help. Contact me directly at 206.617.9678 or