Bailey Turns 17 Today!
November 21, 2022
You all certainly know I think it is paramount that we celebrate each and every day. But milestones get extra special attention. Our beloved pooch Bailey turns 17 today! She has had a few health challenges in the last few months so we are savoring this day even more. Our elderly girl still has some puppy spirit in her. To watch her hip-pity hop after she has gone on a walk with TPS is quite something. She takes extra time enjoying her several times a day meals, which now usually means medicine of some sort is included in said meal. Long sleeps have become longer. But that feisty spirit so many of you have witnessed when visiting the shops over the years still present in our little now Grande Dame. Bailey still comes to work each day with us. Usually with me where she is shopkeeper extraordinaire, while Mister Sive is at his office a few blocks away and comes to take her for a walk at lunchtime. The amount of joy she brings to our lives immeasurable. If you are a pet person, you absolutely get it. The photo is a few years ago at Hawthorne with our niece Hannah, when we were celebrating her college graduation. Bailey worked the room of that party like always. Today we celebrate you Miss B. Happy BIRTHday!!!