December 29, 2022
We arrived late last night to Hawthorne. I wanted to kiss the ground! We were up at 4 a.m. to get to the airport. All was going smoothly until the pilot said we needed to make an emergency landing as a passenger was having health challenges. He was attended to luckily by a group of medical folks who happened to be on the flight and was rushed right to the hospital the moment we landed. For a host of reasons it was many hours before we again started our way to Boston. When we arrived to the house we were greeted with a bevy of treats from friends & family. What a lovely way to start off our stay! Along with several flats of perfectly potted paperwhites from Cedar Farm whom I adore. We have guests coming to supper this eve so I get to play with them around the house. It might not be Flower Friday quite yet, but thought this warranted my kick-off post for this stay. Lots of rest planned along with all sorts of fun stuff on the agenda.