Chicken with Meyer Lemons, Olives & Rosemary
January 11, 2023
I have received a bunch of requests in the last few days for the ‘Chicken with Meyer Lemons, Olives & Rosemary’ recipe that is the meal kit currently at Kitchen & Market for folks not in the Seattle area. It seemed fitting to do this on Wine & Dine Wednesday. This is a favorite post from many years back. There are slight variations from how I prepared it with Stephanie for the video on Instagram. That is the part I find most interesting about cooking and recipes, there in no one way to do things. Cook on a sheet pan or in a baking dish. Be it skin-on or boneless chicken thighs, pouring the wine on the bottom of the pan or over the chicken. Or using a mix of olives or just divine Castelvetrano. Which I can never pronounce correctly! Any of these variations work and are all equally yummy. Enjoy, enjoy!