TKW Daily Blog Turns 12
May 24, 2023
Never quite sure whether to call it a birthday or an anniversary, either way, today celebrates the 12th year of my daily blog. Many of you have been following along since day one. Many have just begun reading it. I am so honored and grateful to you all. What started as a small idea has turned into something that holds incredible meaning to me in my life. I have met so many extraordinary folks from around the globe because of it. The sharing of ideas & thoughts centered on positivity, kindness, love & beauty connects us all. I have always looked at it like a circle—from what I share gets passed on, then you put your own mark on things, then pass it on. In many ways, it seems that in the past twelve years these tenets hold even greater importance. In that way, even after the 4380ish posts, it still feels like I am just getting started. Happiness is created, I firmly believe that, and that it can be shared and spread. Creating/writing this brings me immense happiness each day. For that, I send a huge THANK YOU. My hope is it sparks a bit of joy that gets passed on and on. As I wrote on that first day. Here we go! With much, much love, TKW