From Figs to Geraniums

August 25, 2020

The fig leaves stayed out on the island and the stem with the figs on it finding a home on the dining table in town. Along with a big bunch of scented geranium stems that have been going wild in the pots at WestWard with all this gloriously sunny weather. They made the ferry crossing yesterday afternoon just in time to get called into action for supper. The geranium plates from the shop along with the geranium placemats pulling all the green love together. Plus, you know I love a theme. Insert very large smile. I forgot to add, there are the sweetest tiny pink blooms dancing about those stems too. Adding a bit of color along with the sea of green, which in this case almost becomes a neutral because there is so much of it. This table really about using what you have at hand. Then run with it. There is very little right and wrong when it comes to setting a table. It is up to you. Revel in your choices!