The Best Preppy/Frenchy Napkins
May 12, 2012 I was a little shaky with excitement when this order arrived. I had sort of forgotten about them, as it seemed like ages since they were ordered. All good things are worth waiting for–twas certainly the case for these lovelies. It was a hopping day at the shops yesterday, given the lead up to Mother’s Day week-end. Mihae had unpacked the box, and was pricing them when I rounded the corner of the back counter at the Home store. The stacks making my heart race. These are sooooo good. 100% hand-spun linen, that is incredibly soft. So many linen napkins can have a rough feel to them. Not these. It feels like they have been laundered many times already. They quickly found their way to a table setting display. They remind me of the vintage linens I find on my buying trips to France. These are neither vintage nor French, but I love them just the same. I have a feeling some of these might end up at WestWard…
A happy, sunny Saturday to you all!