Blessings & Thankfulness
November 10, 2012Our quote cards have been incredibly popular, and it is fascinating to watch customers read through the cards, going through stack after stack and see what quotes resonate with them. After a busy day, the stacks can be in quite a shambles. The other day while straightening the piles of cards, this one jumped out at me. “Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don’t unravel” is a thought that seemed like good advice passed down from a wise grandmother to a grandchild while the child sat watching the grandmother sew–that is how I pictured the advice being given in my head. It was a particularly long & task filled day, so my mind was wandering as I was tidying up the shop at the end of the day. I have no idea who said it, but it seemed like such lovely words of wisdom, I thought it could be the quote for today.