A Monday Thought by Steve Jobs
July 29, 2013 Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
–Steve Jobs
As I tap this post out on my iPhone as I always do each morning, I am reminded at what a visionary Steve Jobs was. This little device that allows me, and so many of us, to do things and connect us to others around the globe with tremendous ease. His words perfect as we head into the week. A little fire in the belly and a little childish wonder is always a good thing.
I had chosen a photo before I went to bed I had taken on the ferry of the water, but when I woke up it did not speak to me. So a little Colvos Passage shot of our stairs down to the beach it will be. Not sure it completely relates to the quote, but I thought the lavender and rosemary in the buckets and the water would make an energetic shot. Happy Monday all!