Looking For Inspiration Everywhere
September 23, 2017Ahhhhhh, a blank slate. As Summer turned to Autumn it seemed like the perfect time to change things up and refresh the big front windows at the First & Spring shop. Gotta say, these full-on design days make me supremely happy and we had a blast changing these up. Heather prepped the walls and did fresh coats of paint the day before after a group of us disassembled the prior windows. A yummy, yummy red and a nod to my Veuve love of orange and we were on our way!
Often it is one thing that starts the creative juices flowing. For this window, the large rolled print with the birds scattered about was it. From there the bird themed window took flight. Incredibly happy with the vermillion shade of red, as it makes all the rest of the display pop. It will be quite fun doing a Holiday window with this red later on down the road.
The paper mâché giraffe and the Julia Child quote were the first things pulled for this window to get us started. From there we just add and add telling a bit of a story and not telling a story. Long ago I left behind the notion that everything in a display had to “make sense” and that has really freed me up to create, I think, more creative displays. The color taken from the label of a bottle of my beloved Veuve Clicquot champagne. Inspired by the yolk of a French Bresse chicken egg, it proves that we should be looking absolutely everywhere for inspiration. Doing the windows inevitably means a few displays get re-worked which means they are full, full days. But what satisfying days they are, spent with people I love, adore, respect and have a ton of fun with. There might have even been a few laughs. OK, yes, there were tons of laughs…
Hope you all have just the swellest week-end! T