Puppy Energy
February 22, 2024
The most common messages I have received on social media this past month have been—we want to see more photos of Hendricks! Or folks walk into the shop and they don’t say hello first, they say, where is Hendricks?! We love all the love. The boy is growing up right before our eyes. The amount of joy he brings absolutely immense. He is full of puppy energy which keeps his daddies on their toes but is tons of fun. There is never a dull moment with this boy. He is now sleeping through the night, which we have been ever so grateful for. We have had one session with a trainer and more on the way. He had his second vet visit in Seattle yesterday and has one more in a few weeks to get the last of his puppy shots. The vet in Poughkeepsie and in Seattle both guestimate his weight to be between 12 and 14 pounds fully grown. Which was exactly the weight range of Bailey. Yesterday he clocked in at 6.3 pounds. He looooooves his chew toys and his morning and evening run down the hall as fast as he can as many times as he can is a quite something to witness. Pure puppy joy. He is a go everywhere pooch, loving being a shop dog during the week in town and hanging at the beach on the island on the weekends. As well as being a heck of a host at dinner parties. He tells me he misses all of his Hudson Valley friends and can’t wait to see them all in May! He is laying right next to me as I type this, just looking up to as to say, show the pictures, show the pictures. The little gent is a ham for the camera.