My New Favorite App
May 11, 2012 I chuckled to myself a bit when I typed the title to this post. The mere fact that it has to do with technology, and that I would use the word favorite to describe it, would have stunned my friends a few years ago. Boy have times changed. I was the guy who barely knew where the on/off button was awhile back, and the only cutting and pasting I was doing was for WK shop display projects. I just got to the point where I was tired of not knowing how to do some of these tasks that small children were doing with ease. I am by no means a wizard at this stage, but I am having a heck of alottta fun with all that is out there for my iPhone and iPad. My newest fascination is with the app Camera+. It has been a welcome addition, since I shoot everything for this blog and the Watson Kennedy website using the camera on my phone. It really enhances the clarity of photos, and there are a large variety of edges to use on your photos too. That has been a welcome addition to some of the latest posts. Below is the same photo as above, only enhanced to bring more of the colors out, with a border added. It is just cool to have the variety to play around with the photos a bit.