Pretty, Pretty Peonies
June 23, 2012The peonies are just exploding at this point in the season, with each ruffly petal more poetic than the next. A stroll through the Market flower stalls is pure heaven if you are a peony fan. I hope the peonies are lovely for you in your part of the world. They really are such extraordinary blooms.
2 things.
A big merci to all who sent congrats in many forms yesterday in regards to my book proposal being accepted. I am humbled by all the kind words, and I am now even more motivated to create one heck of a book. Thank you, thank you.
My post tomorrow is likely to be later in the day, as we will be out of cell phone range. Some dear friends invited us to stay with them tonight and host a dinner in honor of TPS’s 50th birthday. They are renting the Tom Kundig Tye River Cabin for the week-end, so many interesting photos of the house will be coming your way.
A happy Saturday to you all!
Sending much love, Ted