January 2, 2014
a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others.
Oh dear readers, you know I try and keep things positive, perky & pretty, but then life throws at you something that knocks you off your feet. We have spent the last many days being with a friend at the end of an illness that ended up taking her life. We are still in quite a deep fog, but I wanted to share with all of you what we have been going through, as it is such a part of life, the really very un-fun part of life. But like all aspects of life, how you choose to view, look at, and deal with the scenario is really when you find out what you are made of. While we are so intensely filled with sadness that our beloved Whitney is gone, we are doing all we can to honor and remember the amazing life she led. This was an incredibly smart woman with incredible style, Old World manners, a wicked wit, who liked nothing more than to share or hear a good story. A dearest friend to me for more than 25 years, and the best friend to the other Ted. We travelled with Whitney and her husband, gave each other sublime parties over the years, and just thoroughly enjoyed each others company. A true friend. Over the years we have had certain friendships fall away because they stayed through the thick but not the thin. Whitney was always one of my biggest cheerleaders in any endeavor I took on, both big & small, and she was always there when we needed a shoulder. There through the good, the bad, the thick, the thin. A true friend. A lover of Champagne who joked that she had a Pavlovian response to Veuve when she saw me. We shared so many bottles, laughs and stories along the way. She was framily. A friend who becomes family. Whitney, our darling, to see you released of your pain brings us so much peace. You were a true one of a kind. We feel like a part of us is missing, but know that we will carry your spirit and memory with us always.