Two Sunday Thoughts
September 7, 2014 Both of the above I saw on Instagram this week and was taken with them. The first because I had to read it a few times to fully get it, as that seems like such a basic thing to me, but as I get older I realize everyone does not always roll that way, which I find so sad. We should all derive so much happiness out of seeing those around us we love be happy & succeeding. We have actually lost a few friendships over the years because they could not find joy in our happiness. A life lesson indeed.
And the bottom quote/thought just a good motivator. I sometimes feel people get put in a certain box–such as, I am a retailer and she is an accountant. That might be one of the things we ‘do’ but that does not or should not be the only thing that defines us. We all can be, everything we want to be.
I hope they both spark a little Sunday thought for you.
From sunny Seattle.