A Saturday Quote
December 27, 2014 We arrived yesterday to WestWard for a week of much needed R&R. The quiet of our little slice of island life always makes me slow down a bit. It really is where I do some of my best thinking, planning, dreaming. This week out here is our tradition and it lines up nicely with thinking ahead to the next year, and what we would like to do. This quote struck me the other day and even more so this morning when I looked at it again. I also tend to think of my Dad more often when we are here. He would have loved it at WestWard. I learned so many lessons from him that I carry with me to this day. One was that he despised comparison to other people. He felt you should never compare or envy another person’s life. I learned early on that the quickest way to not get something I asked for was to compare it to that of a friend. “Well, Billy’s dad bought him a bike,” was the surest way to not get a bike. He felt we all have our own life with our own unique goals, trials, ups & downs–to compare was just plain nonsense. I can just hear him. “Live and thrive in your own life.” This quote speaks to just that. Life really is greenest where we water it.