A Quick Spin Around Hawthorne
August 4, 2015 Several folks have stopped me at the shops and asked if I would post a few more Hawthorne images. So sweet that they are enjoying the process of the house coming to life after each visit. I had been planning on writing/posting more, but then I get right back into the swing of things when we return to Seattle and it gets delayed. It has been such a fun journey to see the rooms come together. While we feel no rooms are really ever ‘done’ as a home is ever evolving, we do feel like we are getting closer and closer each stay to having the house finished for the moment. We really wanted to live in the rooms awhile to see how they functioned and flowed. We have a few more pieces of furniture in the works as well as on the wish list, but for the most part, our sweet farmhouse in the Hudson Valley is at the ready to welcome us and our guests back with open arms and envelope us once again. Here is a quick spin around the rooms.