My Favorite Things Today
November 14, 2015It was a fitful night of sleep, the atrocities of Paris last eve weighing heavy on my heart, as I know it is you all. I am getting reports from friends and customers who are safe, so that makes me breathe easier. Such as cookbook author Dorie Greenspan, who you might remember did a lovely signing at the shop last year, and her husband who were airborne on their way to their home in Paris when the attacks occurred. My mind goes to the many folks who are not getting reports back that their loved ones are unharmed. My heart just goes out to them. It makes writing about anything happy seem silly. But we must push forward, and embrace goodness against those that cause such devastating harm. If we don’t, it means they win and are given more power. We have seen the resiliency of the French people this last year, and we will see it again. I am so often asked at the shops why I like French product and France so much. My response is always, “Because they know how to savor the moment and see the beauty that surrounds them.” So I wish you a happy Saturday, filled with moments to savor and beauty all around you.
If you are in downtown Seattle today, pop in to the First & Spring shop for our Holiday Open House.
Sending love,