SAVE the DATE: Back Pocket Pasta Book Signing at WK
March 2, 2017Our fabulously lovely & creative friend Colu Henry will be at the First & Spring shop on Thursday eve the 30th of March for a signing of her newly released book Back Pocket Pasta. I received my copy yesterday and spent all of last night reading through it, happy as a clam. Page after page of divine pasta recipes. Colu’s Italian family heritage shining through–with so many recipes inspired by her great grandmother, grandmother and mom. She and her husband Chad live in Hudson so we have gotten to know them on our Hawthorne stays. They are just the coolest, sweetest couple. We are honored to have her signing her new book at the shop! More details to follow in the next week, as this signing will be a ticketed event, as food & drinks, along with plenty of stories & laughs will be on the menu for the evening. This will be a fun time to gather a few friends for an evening out. Tickets will be go on sale next week, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up if it sounds like something you would like to attend, so you can save the date on your calendar.
Happy first Thursday in March everyone!