A Day At The Office
October 10, 2019We head to Hawthorne on Sunday for a rest up before a crazy busy Holiday season begins. It sort of feels like we have been sprinting since we returned at the end of August. The new website launches early November and that has taken up every spare moment since we have been back. This week has been all about writing the verbiage for each of the new items that are being added. With 800+ more to go, I decided to work from home yesterday. We were up before sunrise so I lit a few candles and let them create the mood throughout the day. My iced coffee never far behind. The last of the dahlias on its last leg and a bundle of scented geraniums I cut at WestWard on Monday in a little vase right next to me. The dining table my favorite perch for working on a project. I find great comfort in spreading things out there. It is my creative space. It is where I wrote my book and it is where I head when I need time to wrap my head around and do/create projects. Often Classic King FM fills the air. Yesterday the peace and quiet were welcome. An Autumn cheers to all of you! From Seattle. X, TKW