Home Away From Home
May 11, 2022
We arrived late last night to Hawthorne. These drawings were left for us by one of our creative, well-mannered guests while we were away. What an incredibly thoughtful gesture. Receiving them was a perfect was to begin our stay, at our home away from home. This house, this property, the valley, along with the friendships we have made these close to 10 years now have been such an amazing chapter in our lives to date. We look forward to many more chapters here. We have always thought of it as our home. Not a vacation home, but an extension of our home. Much like we think of WestWard. We feel incredibly fortunate to call these places, each of them very different from one another, home. The importance of nesting in our environs has taken on a new meaning these last few years. A deeper meaning. For each of us, that meaning might be quite different. But I think comfort plays a part in it for all of us. For us, arriving here is like getting a big hug. A really, really good fully enveloped, you are loved, hug. Lots of fun stuff planned this Hudson Valley stay. Thanks for following along. Many of you have been since day one of this adventure. We thank you for that, as we have felt the love all along the way. XX, T2+B