A Classic: Lazzaroni Amaretti di Saronno Cookies
February 18, 2014 I was incredibly excited when this shipment arrived. I have loved these cookies since I was a little kid. Plus I was always so enamored with the cool paper they were wrapped in and even more taken with the red metal tin that housed them all. I have searched high and low for a distributor of them from Italy so we could have them at Watson Kennedy. Well I am happy to report, my SF buying trip helped that all come together. A big shipment arrived the other day, and our Italy section is bulging with red tins and boxes of these lovelies. The crisp, airy cookies with the big chunks of sugar strewn about are just the simplest, easiest, most perfect dessert in a pinch. Put said wrapped cookies in a nice bowl or scatter on a beautiful plate alongside clementines and dessert is served. They pair swimmingly with coffee, wine or liqueurs. I also like to crumble them up and put on top of ice cream or sorbet. The signature red tin becomes such a great keepsake after all is said and done. We have a collection at WestWard that houses a host of kitchen things. These make great gift options for a host/hostess gift in place of a bottle of wine.