Looking Back to Look Forward
May 27, 2015I think you know this, but just in case you do not, all the images on my blog I take with my iPhone. I also write my blog from my iPhone, using the WordPress app. This is by no means an ad for iPhones, but more a bit of an explanation. We have an amazing IT person who knows me quite well. He knew there would be no way I would do a blog if I had to log into the shop computer once I got to work. Plus, he knows we travel and are not always in the same place each day. Again, he knows us well. He set everything up for me on my phone so I could write my posts with ease from anywhere. He was spot on. For the last 4 years, each morning, I create a post the moment I wake up. That was what I was referring to yesterday when I said one foot in front of the other. I usually look to the photos I have taken for visual inspiration on what the post for the day will be. That is why a look back at images from the past years has such meaning to me, as they are the catalyst for each post. Here is a continued look back, as we move towards year 5.
Wow. That was another 25+ and we still have a ways to go. Looks like tomorrow will be a continuation…