Day Three of a Look Back
May 28, 2015OK, I promise this is it. I promise. Last day of a stream of images. Funny how quickly they add up. Was fun looking through images over the past years to choose. I give you ‘Day 3’ of a look back. Tomorrow it is full steam ahead. I have a bunch of things to write about from this last trip back East. We sat on the runway last night for 2 hours, waiting for thunderstorms to pass. Which is always just fine and dandy with me. Always better on the ground than in the sky when it comes to thunder is my feeling with all that. Looked through images of the last weeks with a few fun posts coming your way. We arrived to Seattle safe & sound. Bailey sound asleep pressed up right next to me while I write this–her preferred sleeping position. She is such a good traveller. We arrived back to stellar weather. Can’t wait to see the peonies are the Market later today! Our peonies at Hawthorne a good week or two from bursting open. I digress. Here we go.