Since 1862, Ferndell Coffee
March 8, 2018Just In, at Watson Kennedy, an American classic, organic Ferndell Coffee. In 1862, The Sprague Warner Company is formed by its 3 founding members in Chicago–Marvin, Ezra, and Albert. Soon after, the Ferndell brand is born and begins to retail coffee, tea and spices. The company thrived for the next 100+ years, was bought up by a large corporation and then shuttered in the early 1990’s. Fast forward, in 2014 the rights to Ferndell Coffee were secured and the restoration of the brand began. When on a buying trip in New York a few years back, I stayed at The Marlton hotel where they served and sold the coffee and my love for it began. To say I was pretty elated when I got to meet the new owners at the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco last month would be an understatement. I could not place an order soon enough. Whole bean in the iconic tin in either the extra dark roast, Founder’s Blend, or the medium roast, Heirloom Blend.