Sunday Supper Apps

July 13, 2021

The beauty of a Sunday supper is guests can arrive at 3 o’clock and you feel like you get tons of time to be with them. Certainly given our inability to host folks last year, that time is even more precious now. You can have the meal at 5 or 5:30 and still have plenty of time to be with everyone and enjoy their company. But you need to feed the hungry crew when they first arrive. In our case on the island, that means guests have taken a ferry ride and had a bit of a journey to get to us, so we set out a pretty hearty fare right before their arrival. Variety is key. Fix everyone a drink and they can graze on things as the stories and laugher and more stories begin.

There is certainly no right or wrong of what to set out and offer. It should be things you enjoy eating too, as you have been working like crazy getting everything ready for the last few hours. Here is an example. Add more, add less. Totally have fun with it!

A big bowl of sweet Rainier cherries as well as a bowl of tart cherries. A plate of cheeses with figs & crackers. The garlic and herb Brie a big hit. Truffle salted almonds. A bowl of tomatoes with sea salt next to it for dipping. Herby white bean dip. Bowls of more crackers and slices of baguette. A plate of pate with a big dollop of mustard and cornichons. Cheers to Sunday suppers!