Candlelight and a Broken Walnut
December 6, 2023
This is really a two-part post. One, about a cozy rainy night in with lots of candles lit and the case of the broken walnut. TPS was away on business and it has been raining buckets the last few days in Seattle. Yesterday was a day off for me from the shops holiday marathon, so I lit lots of candles around the apartment and let the beating down rain be my music. A quiet, puttering day in with a nap or two can be one of my very favorite. Now, let’s get to that walnut half sitting atop the platter on the black tray. I am constantly moving things around when at the shops. It is part of being a good shopkeeper and it brings me tons of joy. Every once in awhile something will break in the process. Not often, luckily, but when it does my heart sinks. Even more so when it is a really lovely object. We carry these beautiful ceramics from Portugal and they make a walnut box. Often I would look at one and think of taking it home, but that never happened. Until the other day. Insert large smile and laugh! When I lifted the walnut to move it from one display to the next, the bottom piece dropped from my hand and I was left holding the top. I set it on the counter and walked away so mad at myself for not being more careful. Awhile later, I walked by the walnut top, less angry as you just have to let that stuff go, and thought, I am going to take that home. Instantly my spirits were lifted, and the moment I got home, the piece came out of my bag and right onto that platter. It has found its home. In many ways, I like it even better this way…